Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my.... and a giraffe

I haven't slept in a week, I was very proud last night.. well... Thursday night I got maybe 4-5 hours? Other than that it's been pretty rough... tonight.. no exception. NyQuil please? I feel like a bus plane train and zoo ran me over, im beginning to think that traveling zoos are a bad idea, because walrus's's's don't like to travel much. Don't blame them, it's like moving to a new home every week! (yes I know walrusi is plural but walrus's's's sounds cooler)

Now I am wondering what a bus-plane-train-zoo hybrid would look like. Kinda scary, not something I would visit, I don't like heights, or much else for that matter so lets just think about forgetting that shall we? Not to mention I am now multitasking, like a wheat thin, its a healthy cracker, but when eaten in large doses could cause one to have to "run down the hall" a lot. I would imagine it would look and feel like a 10 car pile up with a bus-plane-train-zoo hybrid at the end.

Somehow I got lost and wandered down a deep dark alley in which my mind should NEVER go. Because some of my readers are sensitive. eHow articles and Yahoo Answers are amazing resources you can find any answer to almost any question.

I have too many songs running through my head I feel like a radio station gone haywire and all the music plays at once. It isn't fun believe me. Maybe in all this spare time that has somehow popped into my life I could design my hybrid zoo-boat-train-plane- bus. If only I could quit the waterworks coming from my eyes I might be able to do it.
What would it run on? Ramen! Lord knows it's what I function on that and sugar doughnuts
What would it travel on? CONVERTIBLE. We could have the top down, oh back on task.. umm.. Mostly fly I would guess but some train... erm... train-y traveling would be nice too, we could FLY down the tracks... there we go

I think I can smell my bodily smells, time for.. well bed.. but that doesn't solve my problem now does it.

Life is a two way road, you can't be the only one to travel down it, things have to have reciprocity. I just came up with that so there, eat my stinky socks.. speaking of which... I need to do a load of whites so i don't have to reuse socks again... Maybe Sunday

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