Sunday, October 4, 2009

Global Warming.... blanket

I live in Idaho. It's cold. Only about 36 degrees here. It's only October! OCTOBER. This is why people don't Trick or Treat house to house anymore, because if they did their children would get lost in the 3 feet of snow. That and I live on snob hill and nobody wants to drive up the slippery slope... or is it that we don't give out candy anymore..... I think it's that one. Although some T or T'ers get a little angry and threaten to bring in the SWAT team and take out the door. SURPRISE... We have rice cakes? Want some? Or maybe an empty diet coke can. Alas maybe tomorrow I will make a snow man. Or snow something or other.

This weekend I got a flat tire. This happens about once a year. It's like my birthday only lots more less fun. I don't know how to change a tire, and someone jacked my jack, and I don't have a tire iron. Is a tire iron to keep the wrinkles out? Does Jack get hungry sitting in my trunk? Flat tires are F-U-N! Yes, you now have to say "fun" F dashy thingy U dashy doodad N exclamation point. If you don't.... well.... It's late I can't actually think of anything that would hunt anybody down. I am too lazy to hire someone or something. Plus how would I know if you violated my new rule? I'm like a mom, I have eyes and ears EVERYWHERE.

Has that ever really creep-ed you out when your mom or someone close has done that? "Taylor, don't do that." "Taylor stop it." It gets to the point where you are doing something right and want them to see it but they don't. It's like a LONG blink. They are just blinking when you're doing something good, and just happen to be not blinking when you are doing something bad. Like they only blink once and awhile because it's such a long blink it just kinda makes up for all the lost blinks. Wow this traveled a lot farther than I had thought. Maybe it's my new bleached hair. The blond is leaking into my brain... oh wait.. what brain? Can you lose something you never had?

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