Tuesday, March 9, 2010

10 ways to tell if you are having a good day

1. You did not wake up in a puddle of melting snow. Kind of wet and sloshy.. like my dogs kisses... or chin...

2. You were not a victim of a "drive by catting". This is where you fall victim of being in the wrong neighborhood and find yourself against odds with a Siamese.

3. On your way to work you did not get run over. Bound to cause any day to suck, well okay I am not going to say this with 100% confidence but I am sure it is not pleasant.

4. Your hair does not have it's own weather system. Of all things in the world, curly hair is almost the worst thing. You go outside and get a lil wind, bam your hair looks like you just woke up and it is all lopsided and stuff.

5. You come out of work to find your car where you left it. Or in my case you walk out of work and have to think very very very hard... "Now where did I park..." And this happens in wal-mart, I always have to play, Hide and seek with my car... *snickers* "I doubt he can see me behind this huge truck".

6. The place you work in has not been infested by any of the following: Hannibal Lecture, Zombies, Warlocks, Demons, Small Children, Bats, Spiders, Evil ninjas. Just those every day things that can get on peoples nerves.

7. People actually read your blog and MAKE COMMENTS. It is almost sad when i post this on 3 different websites (Facebook, myspace, blogger) and I don't get any comments. What is up with that?

8. You have not fallen victim to the black plague, no limbs fall off, we don't all fall down, that last one about falling down really suits me.

9. You don't have to stop at the store for adult depends. You were almost home but then you get that call... It's like "honey can you pick up some milk, and adult diapers." and you say "sure, sure 1% or 2%"

10. Aliens haven't abducted you and taken you to their planet to raise you as a pet. "Mommy I was a human too!" "No sweetie, they are a lot of work and responsibility"

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