Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eh, nothin' new

Today's blog is all about the smell n' speak. No not the speak and spell but the smell n' speak.
This product has the ability to smell anything and then tell you about it. Here is an example:

Scenario 1:
*Young teenage boy comes walking past the smell n' speak*
smell n' speak: "That young person has Body Odor, please inform them that deodorant has been invented"

Scenario 2:
*Sitting around chilling with friends*
smell n' speak: "I smell a traitor, the person to your left is a backstabber! QUICK pour coffee on them"

REVOLUTIONARY! I mean honestly who wouldn't want one of these things. For the fridge, car, bathroom, husband, work, graveyard, meat packing plant. Honestly this product will be the best known to man kind since sliced bread.

Well okay now that I have that out of my system, today I got to school and pulling into the parking lot and said "oh an apache helicopter, eh nothin' out of the ordinary" Why is it that I have become immune to the not so mundane? I mean I would prolly say "oh thats a man eating giant zombie brain, eh nothin' new" I think it is time for another sabbatical to Arizona to see my lover. Am I right? Who wants to give me money to go? Or at least to fly my love up here? Takers? Can anybody who reads these even fly? Just thought I would make a quick blog to advertise my stuff haha. Now off to go find something... well... okay... can't really think of it but I think it will be fun. Like reading or taking over the world.

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