Thursday, April 22, 2010

Water Bottles and Lists!

Today is... well Thursday... I went around most of the day yesterday trying to convince people it was Tuesday, so lets face it, the days with the T in the name are well special to me for no apparent reason.

I got a free water bottle... that has a twisty hand holder-y-doo and lets just say that twisty part had to be taught to me by my dear friend Cassie and her hubby.  Hard to imagine but it was something from ISU so not totally of the normal consumer goods section.  I don't know why this came to mind, maybe it is because I have been siphoning water off my co-workers/friends water bottles or the fact that it was twisty and somewhat hard to open...  I don't know.

I think it is over due for one of those things... a LIST!  I can hear you typing away at the joy that just made you feel.  Hmm what should I title this list....  I know it has to have 10 things....  Ah 10 things you never want to hear a library patron say!

1.  "Um.. yeah.. there is dead body back there between sci-fi and horror"
2.  "I was running with the scissors and... well..."
3.  "I re-organized the books, I think it will be much easier this way!"
4.  "The copier ate my gum ball"
5.  "Does water kill books?"
7.  "One of these days when it's a slow day I will have to come and scan in all of these books"
8.  "Can I eat the paper?"
9.  "This... is.... a... Library?"
10.  "Oh that was a joke... I get it..."

You would be surprised at how many people say these kinds of things.  I once had a lady ask if she could borrow my scissors so my reply was "only as long as you don't run with them" yeah she did get the joke.... she later asked me if it was joke and I said yes... common now lady... this is college, and I am a student stuck here behind this desk without anything to do...  I am going to crack a joke or two.. three... four... forget it.

Seriousness is something that is like a tie, only a once and awhile occasion.  Oh that is pretty good...


  1. I think the worst two I ever heard when working in the library were:

    1. Could you please clean up the condom and underwear in non-fiction?

    2. There's a guy in the ceiling in the ladies.

  2. Megs: I can see those being a problem. Luckily I haven't had either of those... yet... Just wait, tomorrow when I work I will get both of those at the same time... It is the law of if things will happen they will happen to me!
