This is a stall, in the men's room. And it has TWO count em TWO hold-y bar things. All the bathrooms in the building only have one of these transfer hold-y bars. I have to say this would make it more convenient to maneuver yourself from wheel chair to toilet or walker to toilet or whatever, but they also make for great leverage devices! You can hold on and go and it makes life so much easier! Not to say this blog is going down the shitter but come on people I have to find funny stuff to share!
Also these new toilets in just ONE bathroom are the special self flushing kind. Now keep in mind, that means they flush when you stand up scaring the shit of you, therefore making the bathroom a scary place to be.. I always jump when I stand up and begin to refasten my belt because I am used to flushing myself, well.. not me myself but me pushing the handle down. Also another note to keep in mind, men are gross. I would know, I am one. Flushing is not the repertoire of things men do. (Most men..) And when using the toilet as a urinal it doesn't sense you standing there... so... it doesn't flush... so 8 guys later the bathroom looks disgusting. Same goes for the not self flushing bathrooms but that is another blog.
Okay. So once a week I go get me a $5 pizza and eat it. While out going to get said pizza I ran across the following sign.
The sign reads "Fokus = wanna be kul?"
I myself have always want to be kul. Like it is the top goal I have and want to complete ASAP. I am not sure what the sign belongs to. The store underneath the sign is vacant, next door is a dollar store and on the other side is Tuesday Morning... Not entirely sure what a Fokus is. I would guess some kind of clothing company. Or maybe this is where they sell lives! I have always wanted one of those! Too bad they are so hard to find and are expensive! I know right? But alas I may never know what a Fokus is and therefore I will never be kul. That is kind of a depressing thought.
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