Monday, November 23, 2009

The copy machine ate my arm!

Well not really but it is making a noise like my tummy makes when it is hungry. For the past 2 weeks and since my boss left we have had the most trouble with this stupid machine. My coworker and I have come up with many ideas on how it could "accidently" disappear.

  • Push it off the landing into the snake river
  • "Cash for clunkers"
  • Offer it to patrons for free
  • Take it for a walk with a leash and tie to a tree and forget about it
  • Take it for a ride in a truck...... to the dump.....
  • "spill" coffee in it

Just to name a few, we will keep working on this list. So far the first one up there is the best choice as it has wheels and can easily be... pushed.. off the ledge hahaha but we do have camera that would see us doing it and I am sure that our jobs would not be safe from that... But the copier would be gone wouldn't it?

I can just see it now. Corpse of copier found in the snake river. CSI Idaho Falls claims it to have been there for a few weeks as it had some rust on it and they cut it open and found out the age by how many rings it had... No finger prints found and no murder weapon.... That would make a great TV show..


  1. I think you should put bigger wheels on it and enter it in a go cart race.

  2. I think you might be on to something. Hmmm...
